Tuesday, May 25, 2010

'The Mirror Maze' Review – Ow, My Brain Hurts

'The Mirror Maze' Review – Ow, My Brain Hurts

posted by Eli Hodapp on May 25th, 2010 4:34 AM EDT in $0.99, Games, Puzzle, Reviews, iPhone games, iPod touch games

Re-posted by Yonatan Frimer

Last weekend, Assyria Games' unleashed The Mirror Maze [$1.99] on the App Store. Like any good puzzle game, the entire premise of The Mirror Maze can be explained in a single sentence: Control a red and a green ball, and get each of them in to their matching color zones on the other side of the screen.

This goal is accomplished by touching where you want the red ball to go. The green ball then goes in the opposite direction. The first few levels are very easy, and it doesn't take you long to understand the remarkably simple concept of the game. This is the exact moment that The Mirror Maze starts throwing increasingly difficult mazes at you which require a surprising amount of brain power to complete once the levels advance to the point of not being symmetrical at all.

Not only do the mazes become completely asymmetrical, but they eventually start being composed of both moving barriers and the warp gates seen above which act like little portals warping your ball between them. All of these obstacles must be successfully avoided using a single input for both balls, and it's really surprising how much thought goes in to figuring out the movements of both balls using a single touch input.

The Mirror Maze has online leaderboards powered by Agon, and while there are currently only 36 levels included in this version of the game, the following gameplay trailer makes mention of more levels coming soon:

There have been a ton of maze games released on the iPhone, but few offer much variation on just getting a single ball to the end of a maze. It would be nice if there were more levels, and there is an odd pause as mazes reload upon each retry (of which there will likely be many), but The Mirror Maze is worth trying just to see how difficult it can be to not only avoid obstacles with the ball with regular controls but also constantly thinking in reverse while you manage the other ball.

App Store Link: The Mirror Maze, $1.99

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Obama needs to wake up and smell the.... By Yonatan Frimer

Maze Cartoon Obama sleeping and ignoring the polls:

Obama President Polls Maze Cartoon

Editorial cartoon maze of President Obama sleeping as a hot cup of coffee marked "Polls" is next to him and a caption that reads, "Wake up and smell the....." Created by Yonatan Frimer.
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

More mazes by Yonatan Frimer and Maze Cartoons for you:
Political Maze Cartoon on Comics Sherpa, by Yonatan Frimer
Editorial Cartoon Mazes on Team Of Monkeys
Maze Art on Ink Blot MazesLinkBuy maze art

This maze topic in the news:

Barack Obama Sees Approval Ratings Decline After Pro-Abortion Elena Kagan

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- President Barack Obama has seen has approval ratings decline in the aftermath of his selecting pro-abortion Solicitor general Elena Kagan for the open Supreme Court position. Obama's approval ratings are at one of their lowest points in the last month and heading back down to their health care-dominated levels. The Rasmussen Reports daily shows 45%...(read more)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Editorial cartoon mazes for the 2nd week in May 2010, by Yonatan Frimer

Cartoon maze of how the Tea Party started. By Yonatan Frimerhow the tea party started maze

Cartoon maze editorial of a bunch of sheep in a field. One sheep stands up and exclaims, "I will no longer be a follower!" The rest of the flock yells, "Me too!" and the group in the front explaim "If this catches on, we got to get that fox on board."

Maze Cartoon - Effects of Human Error on Stock Markethuman error in stock market maze cartoon

Maze cartoon editorial showcasing how stocks are effected by human error, buy having a bull represent stocks and a cowboy wrangling him to represent human error.
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

Maze Cartoon of Steve Jobs Getting Flashed, by Yonatan Frimer

human error in stock market maze cartoon

Editorial Cartoon maze of Steve Jobs getting flashed and he thinks to himself, "Avoid anything that is relatable to this incident, even just by name" Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon - OECD, Feather in Israel's Hatoecd hat feather in israel

Cartoon maze editorial of the OECD being a feather in Israel's hat.
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

Editorial Cartoon Maze: 2010, Year to be a CameronJames and David Cameron maze cartoon

Cartoon maze editorial both David Cameron, the new prime minister of England and of James Cameron, who produced and directed Avatar, a movie that has broken many records for generating the most revenue. 2010 sure is a good year if your last name is Cameron.
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Editorial Cartoon Maze of Tiger Woods by Yonatan Frimer

Maze Cartoon - Tigers Woods in the Gulf

gulf and Golf with Tiger Woods
Editorial maze cartoon of Tiger Woods in the Gulf, the crewman apologizes for the mix up, says "We need a GULF clean up."
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

Visit these sites for more Yonatan Frimer Mazes
Latest Political Maze Cartoon
Political Maze on Comic Sherpa
Yonatan Frimer Maze Art
Buy Maze Art
Maze Blog
Team Of Monkeys Maze Blog

Thanks, hope you've enjoyed this Maze cartoon of Tiger Woods Gulf Golfer. The entrance and exit of the maze is at the upper-right and lower-left corners of the image. A link to the solution of the maze is right under the image. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Greece Economy Debt illustrated in this cartoon maze by Yonatan Frimer

Maze Cartoon on the Economy of Greece.

Maze Cartoon for Editorial use on the Economy of Greece. A 747 marked "Economy of Greece" flys while chained to two bags of debt that are carried by the IMF and EU. Created by Yonatan Frimer

You can check out more of Yonatan Frimer's maze art at:
Political Cartoon Maze
Maze Art
Maze art for sale
Maze Blog
Another Maze Blog by Yonatan Frimer
And yet another maze blog

Maze Cartoon topic in the news:

EU/IMF Greece Plan Sees Around EUR110 Billion In Funding Gap

BERLIN -(Dow Jones)- Greece faces a funding gap of around EUR110 billion over the next three years, according to the details of a bailout plan from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union seen by Dow Jones Newswires Sunday.

Earlier Sunday, Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said that the new measures imposed to secure access to the unprecedented bailout package are the harshest and most austere ever imposed in European history.

The plan, dated May 2, didn't give details of how much each euro-zone country and the IMF will give in loans.

"We anticipate covering the program's financing requirements with financial support from euro-area member states and the IMF while strengthening access to the private capital market," the document said.

"Notwithstanding the significant fiscal adjustment, we project a public financing gap of around 110 billion (euros), for the program period, which we expect to cover through matching bilateral lending support from euro area member states and through IMF support," said the plan.

According to the document...Read more: